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How To Create DMARC Records For Improved Email Deliverability

Mar 11

In today's digital age, email communication remains a cornerstone of business operations, marketing strategies, and personal interactions. However, the effectiveness of email communication heavily relies on its deliverability. Ensuring that your emails reach their intended recipients' inboxes is crucial for maintaining professional relationships, driving engagement, and achieving your communication goals.


Understanding DMARC

DMARC enhances email security by expanding on the SPF and DKIM standards, allowing domain owners to dictate the actions to be taken if incoming emails fail authentication checks. This protocol empowers organizations to strengthen their email management, reduce the threat of email scams, and bolster their credibility as trusted senders. Visit this webpage for more details.


Benefits of DMARC

Implementing DMARC offers several significant benefits for organizations seeking to improve their email deliverability and security:

  • Reduced Phishing Attacks: DMARC helps prevent unauthorized parties from sending emails that appear to originate from your domain, thereby reducing the likelihood of phishing attacks targeting your customers or employees.
  • Enhanced Deliverability: By authenticating your emails through SPF and DKIM and specifying how to handle messages that fail authentication checks, DMARC can improve your email deliverability rates and ensure that legitimate emails reach recipients' inboxes.
  • Insightful Reporting: DMARC provides detailed reports on email authentication results, including information on authentication failures, sources of spoofed emails, and actions taken by receiving mail servers. These reports offer valuable insights into your email ecosystem and help identify and address potential issues.
  • Brand Protection: Implementing DMARC helps protect your brand reputation by reducing the likelihood of email fraud and ensuring that recipients can trust emails sent from your domain.




Creating DMARC Records

Creating DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) records is a crucial step in enhancing your organization's email security and deliverability. By establishing DMARC policies, you can instruct receiving mail servers on how to handle emails that fail authentication checks, thereby reducing the risk of email fraud and phishing attacks. Here's a detailed guide on how to create DMARC records effectively:


Understand DMARC Syntax:

Before creating DMARC records, it's essential to understand the syntax and components of a DMARC policy. A DMARC policy consists of several elements, including:

  • DMARC Version: Specifies the version of the DMARC protocol being used.
  • Policy Action: Determines the action to be taken by receiving mail servers when an email fails DMARC authentication (none, quarantine, or reject).
  • Percentage: Optionally specifies the percentage of messages subjected to the specified policy action.
  • Reporting Address: Specifies the email address where DMARC aggregate and forensic reports should be sent.
  • Identifier Alignment: Indicates how DKIM and SPF authentication results should be aligned with the "From" header domain.


Publish the DMARC Record:

Once you've generated the DMARC record, publish it in your domain's DNS (Domain Name System) settings as a TXT record. Access your domain registrar or DNS hosting provider's control panel and add the TXT record containing your DMARC policy. Ensure that the record is correctly formatted and reflects your intended policy action.




Test and Monitor DMARC Implementation:

Once the DMARC record is live, ensure to extensively test its efficacy and integration with your email system. Stay vigilant by regularly reviewing DMARC reports to understand email authentication outcomes, spot any possible problems, and adjust your DMARC policy accordingly.


Gradually Enforce DMARC Policies:

Consider starting with a DMARC policy of "none" or "quarantine" initially to allow time for legitimate email sources to authenticate properly. As you gain confidence in your email authentication setup and address any issues identified through DMARC reporting, gradually transition to a more stringent policy action, such as "reject."


Stay Informed and Adapt:

Stay informed about advancements in email authentication standards and recommended practices, and make necessary adjustments to your DMARC policies. Consistently examine DMARC reports and modify your DMARC settings as required to enhance email security and ensure emails are delivered successfully.



Best Practices for DMARC Implementation

In addition to the steps outlined above, consider the following best practices to maximize the effectiveness of your DMARC implementation:

  • Collaborate Across Departments: DMARC implementation often requires collaboration between IT, marketing, and security teams. Ensure clear communication and alignment of objectives to streamline the deployment process and address any concerns or challenges effectively.
  • Test DMARC Configuration: Before fully enforcing a DMARC policy, conduct thorough testing to validate that legitimate emails are properly authenticated and delivered. Use DMARC testing tools and conduct internal assessments to identify and resolve any configuration issues.
  • Educate Users About Email Security: Employee awareness and education are critical components of effective email security. Train employees on recognizing phishing attempts, reporting suspicious emails, and adhering to email security policies to minimize the risk of email-related security incidents.